Term 3 January 25 newsletters
St Andrews Playgroup
Please be advised that St Andrew's Playgroup have now signed up to Easy where by doing your shopping online, if you click on the link following, you are able to help raise funds for the playgroup through your purchase
January newsletter 2025
We hope you had a lovely Christmas break and Happy New Year to you all.
Reminders first;
Try to label coats, hats etc
Water only in the children’s bottles
No toys from home please as we find it just causes distress for the children, unless it’s a comfort toy and you have discussed with your key person.
This is a 6-week term. Half term is Monday 17th Feb – Friday 21st Feb.
We are going to be learning about the Farm this term, helping us draw the 7 areas of learning together. So, this will include names of animals and their babies, Makaton signs and noises, what food the animals provide for us, jobs on the farm, vehicles, crops that are grown, animal homes e.g. pigsty, chicken coup.
We really value your input to help reinforce their learning, so any ideas, photos etc from home are very welcome.
Some ideas for home are;
Communication and language- use new words such as crops, dairy, foal, gosling. Describe a farm animal and see if they can guess it or ask them to describe an animal
Personal, social and emotional- talk about favourites and how certain animals make them feel. How do animals care for their young
Physical development- fine motor, make a farm picture, cutting out animals and sticking, use different textures. Gross motor- digging to plant veg or throwing food for ducks/birds.
Literacy- play I spy with animal sounds.
Maths- match adult to baby animals, group them in sizes or patterns
Understanding the world- look at life cycles of chickens and how they provide eggs to eat or chicks to grow. When eating dinner talk about where the food originally came from and the importance of farmers, and their farms.
Expressive arts and design- songs about farm animals. Make cotton wool sheep or explore mixing paints for a pink pig.
Thank you