Parent behavior policy
St Andrew’s Playgroup Parental Behaviour Policy
At St Andrew’s Playgroup, our belief is that all staff, Committee, parents and children are entitled to a safe and protective environment in which to learn, develop and work together, to create a happy environment. Any behaviour which causes harassment, unsettling or distress to anyone at St Andrew’s, will not be tolerated.
All members of St Andrew’s treat each other with mutual respect
- Adults to set a good example to children at all times, by means of showing them how to get along with all members of the Playgroup, along with the surrounding community
- No members of staff, Committee, parents or children will be the victims of abusive behaviour, or open to threats from other adults on the Playgroup’s premises.
- Any forms of physical attacks or threatening behaviour, including abusive or insulting language either verbal or written, to either staff, Committee, parents or carers, children and any other users of the Playgroup premises will not be tolerated at any time, and may result with the possible withdrawal of permission to be on the Playgroup premises.
- Any parent or carer asked to leave the Playgroup premises, will have the right to appeal this decision by writing to the Chair and Committee.
Please be advised that any incidents or rudeness in any format will be logged with the Playgroup Committee
Persons Causing Nuisance/Disturbance on School Premises Section 547 of the Education Act 1996
Playgroup premises are private property, and parents and carers have been granted permission from St Andrew’s Management Committee to be on Playgroup Premises. However, in the case of abuse or threats to either staff, Committee, other parents or pupils, the Playgroup may ban parents/carers from entering the Playgroup Premises.
The Playgroup cannot be responsible for organising alternative arrangements for children being brought/collected to/from Playgroup. Parents/Carers will need to organise alternative arrangements if they have been asked not to enter the Playgroup premises.
Inappropriate Use of Social Networking Sites
St Andrew’s Playgroup Management and Committee consider the use of social media websites when used in an unacceptable way deemed not to be in the best interests of children and the wider playgroup community. Any concerns you may have should be addressed through the appropriate channels by speaking or writing to staff or the Committee.
The Playgroup will expect any malicious comments to be removed immediately. In serious cases, the Playgroup will also consider its legal options to deal with any such misuse of social networking sites.
Parents/Carers have the right to appeal to the Chair within ten days of permission to enter the Playgroup premises.
It is the responsibility of the Committee to monitor and review this policy