Staff code of conduct
1.2 Purpose…………………………………………………………………………………………… 3
1.3 Policies and Procedures…………………………………………………………………… 3
1.4 Attendance, Timekeeping and Appointments…………………………………. 3
1.5 Professional Development………………………………………………………………. 4
1.6 Alcohol, Drug Abuse, Smoking and E-Cigarettes………………………………. 4
1.7 Medication………………………………………………………………………………………. 5
1.8 Health, Safety and Hygiene……………………………………………………………… 5
1.9 Mobile Phones and Cameras……………………………………………………………. 6
1.10 Information and Communication Technologies………………………………… 6
1.11 Social Networking Sites……………………………………………………………………. 6
1.12 Social Contact…………………………………………………………………………………. 7
1.13 Dress Code and Appearance……………………………………………………………. 7
1.14 Accountability…………………………………………………………………………………. 8
1.15 Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS)………………………………………………. 8
1.16 Team and Partnership Working………………………………………………………... 9
1.17 Confidentiality ………………………………………………………………………………... 9
1.18 Gifts and Rewards …………………………………………………………………………… 10
1.19 Babysitting ……………………………………………………………………………………… 10
1.20 Outside Commitments ……………………………………………………………………. 10
1.21 Vulnerable Situations ……………………………………………………………………… 10
1.22 Whistleblowing ………………………………………………………………………………. 11
1.23 Declarations and Changes of Circumstance …………………………………….. 12
1.24 Parents and Carers ………………………………………………………………………….. 12
1.25 Ofsted ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 12
1.26 Summary …………………………………………………………………………………………. 13
‘’We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expect all staff, contractors and volunteers to share this commitment ‘’
This Code of Conduct applies to you if you are an employee of St Andrews Playgroup, Watling St, Dartford, DA1 1RF, whether employed on a permanent, temporary or casual basis. All employees must follow this Code; deliberate breaches of the Code may be treated as a disciplinary offence. As with all nursery policies and procedures, we ask that staff use their common sense and act reasonably within the conditions provided in this document.
All actions concerning children and young people must uphold the best interests of the young person as a primary consideration. Staff must always be mindful of the fact that they hold a position of trust, and that their behaviour towards the children and young people in their charge must be above reproach. This Code of Conduct is not intended to detract from the enhancing experiences children gain from positive relationships with staff. More importantly, it is intended to assist staff by offering guidance on prudent conduct. Consequently, the purpose of this Code of Conduct for St Andrews staff is;
· To identify boundaries and responsibilities
· To agree communication and accountability
· To explain what is expected of you as an employee
· To ensure staff demonstrate high standards of conduct in order to encourage our children to do the same
· To ensure that staff avoid putting themselves at risk of allegations of abusive or unprofessional conduct
· To help staff understand what behaviour is and is not acceptable
The Code of Conduct should also be read in conjunction with your job description, your contract of employment, grievance procedures, and disciplinary procedures, complaint procedures and all policies and procedures relevant to the playgroup.
The playgroup has a range of policies and procedures which apply to all staff. These are available from our website and the policy folder in storage cabinet. All staff must read the policies and comply with their terms. The failure of any staff member to do so may result in disciplinary action being taken against them.
· Staff are required to comply with the rules relating to notification of absence set out in the Contract of Employment
· Staff are required to arrive at work promptly and be ready to start work at their contracted starting times. Staff are required to remain at work until their contracted finishing times. The playgroup provides time sheets for recording staff attendance at playgroup. The signing of the time sheets are used to calculate salary, monitor absences and overtime. It is important this is filled in correctly otherwise there may be implications for your pay.
· Staff must obtain management authorisation if for any reason they wish to arrive later or leave earlier than their agreed normal start and finish times
· Persistent poor time keeping may result in disciplinary action
· When can employees attend appointments? We appreciate that it is sometimes difficult to obtain appointments such as with doctors or dentists at a time that is convenient for both the employee and the playgroup. In most cases where this is not possible, appointments must be scheduled at the beginning or end of a shift and agreed with your manager.
It is expected that a childcare practitioner will continually update their knowledge and skills through a lifelong learning approach.
· At all times, a childcare practitioner should not undertake an activity in which they do not feel competent, or is outside their area of practice and knowledge
· The playgroup at all times acknowledges the strengths and limitations of a childcare practitioner’s expertise and will ensure their regular appraisal and assessment
· There is mandatory training that all staff should undertake. Staff need to identify what is expected and ensure they attend these sessions. This will be discussed during your induction and as a continuous process while you are employed at the playgroup
The playgroup is fully committed to your development and we will advise on other training courses that might be relevant. Training is also provided at staff meetings and other in-house sessions.
· The consumption of alcohol on the premises is strictly forbidden. Any employee who is found consuming alcohol on the premises or is found to be intoxicated at work will face disciplinary action under the disciplinary procedure. Please be aware that even if you are not found to be intoxicated, coming into work suffering from the immediate after affects of alcohol may also impair your ability to perform your role to the required standards. A breach of this procedure is considered an act of gross misconduct.
· The possession of, use or distribution of drugs for non-medical purposes on the premises site is strictly forbidden. Any member of staff who is found to be intoxicated at work will face disciplinary action under the disciplinary procedure. A breach of this procedure is considered an act of gross misconduct.
· Smoking is forbidden on the premises. Any member of staff who is found smoking on the premises where not permissible will face disciplinary action under the disciplinary procedure.
· This also includes smoking e-cigarettes and neither are permitted before or after the session within the grounds.
· Staff must not be under the influence of any medication which may affect their ability to care for children. If a member of staff is prescribed medication by their doctor that may affect their ability to perform work, then this should be discussed with the playgroup manager
· Medication should be kept in a medication or first aid box provided specifically for staff and not kept in bags or coats.
The playgroup will act positively to minimise the incidence of all workplace risks as required by the Health and Safety at Work Act 1947 and other associated legislation. Through continuous improvement of standards, and comprehensive use of risk assessments we aim to systematically remove the causes of accidents and ill health.
Staff will be provided with a Health and Safety induction when joining the Playgroup as well as ongoing training.
All activities should be carries out with the highest regard for health and safety of all staff, children and visitors. Staff have a responsibility to carry out tasks in accordance with training received e.g. manual handling and to wear protective clothing provided where appropriate.
Staff should be a role model to the children in terms of their own health and hygiene. Leading by example is the best way to teach good behaviours to children for example
· Have a clean, neat and tidy appearance
· Encourage children’s awareness of physical development i.e. exercise, diet, rest, challenges and risks
· Show the importance of hydration i.e.
· drink plenty of water
· Show how keeping fit is important to development of mind and body
· Show how to take risks safely
· Members of staff must keep personal mobile phones in the kitchen. Personal mobile phones are not permitted in any spaces that are accessed by children
· It is recognised that in certain situations it may be necessary for staff to have a mobile phone for the use of the setting e.g. on an outing. The use of the mobile pone must not detract from the quality of supervision and care of children.
· Personal mobile phones or similar devices must not be used to take photographs of children.
· Staff have a duty to ensure parents do not use their mobile phones to take photos in the setting
· Members of staff must only use cameras provided by the setting to take photographs of children. Failure to comply will result in disciplinary action.
Staff must not use any ICT services for copying, storing, sending or retrieving unacceptable material. ‘Unacceptable material ’includes any documents, messages, information, graphics or other electronic data that;
· Breach UK legislation
· Contravene the settings Equality policy
· Contain offensive, pornographic or obscene language or material
· Plan, promote, incite or facilitate any illegal or terrorist activities.
· Contain defamatory or slanderous language or material.
· Denigrate, insult or ridicule another person
· Intimidate, bully or harass another person
· Adversely comment on integrity, personality, honesty, character, intelligence, methods or motives of another person unless it is factual response to a formal reference request
· Provide or facilitate the use of computer hacking tools or virus toolkits
Staff must not use the internet, external electronic mail, external telephone, fax or any other form of electronic communication to transmit sensitive, subservice information, including;
· Opinions that do not reflect the policies of the playgroup
· Information that could damage the playgroups reputation and standing in the community
· Staff must ensure that social networking sites are set as private so that only authorised persons can have access to them
· Staff must not accept or invite any children or their families to use their private sites
· Staff must never contact any children or their families using their private social networking sites
· Staff must never upload any photos, comments or information about the setting or any person linked with it.
All staff are expected to uphold professional boundaries. Staff have a duty to approve any planned social contact with children and their families with their manager. Confidentiality of employment must be adhered to and respected during social contact. In summary staff should
· Ensure all contact with existing children or their parents is of a professional and nursery related nature
· Consider the appropriateness of the social contact according to their role and nature of their work
· Always approve any planned social contact with children or parents with senior colleagues
· Advise senior management of any social contact they have with a child or parent with who they work, which may give rise to concern.
· Understand that some communications may be called into question and need to be justified (parents becoming dependant)
· Staff must not engage in conduct outside of work which could seriously damage the reputation and standing of the nursery or the employees own reputation or the reputation of other members of the nursery
· Criminal offences that involve violence or possession or use of illegal drugs or sexual misconduct are likely to be regarded as unacceptable.
· Be cautious when undertaking work outside of the nursery , either paid or voluntary, such that it does not conflict with the interests of the nursery nor be to a level which may contravene the working time regulations or affect an individuals work performance
Staff should wear clothing which;
· Is comfortable, allows free movement and is appropriate to their role
· Is not likely to be viewed as offensive, revealing or sexually provocative
· Does not distract, cause embarrassment or give rise to misunderstanding
· Is absent of any political or otherwise contentious slogans
· Is not considered to be discriminatory and is culturally sensitive.
· Staff should ensure nails are kept short and clean. No nail varnish remover should be brought into the setting. Long hair should be tied back. Jewellery should be minimal to avoid safety implications.
Staff are accountable to playgroup for undertaking those activities that are associated with the job role. A member of staff must inform their manager if they do not feel competent to undertake any activities and must request reasonable/appropriate training
Staff have a duty to report any bad behaviour by colleagues that raises concern.
A childcare practitioner has a duty to respect families by;
· Valuing their cultural diversity, opinions and choices
· Being non-judgemental
· Planning contacts/appointments with parents
· Seeking clarification and not assuming
· By listening and responding appropriately
· By acknowledging her/his own limitations
· Maintaining appropriate behaviour and activities between the family and her/himself
Staff have a responsibility to challenge any discriminatory remarks or behaviour against other staff members, visitors, children and their families.
Staff have a duty to notify the playgroup of changes to personal details, change of address, phone number, and relevant health issues.
Staff must avoid using inappropriate or offensive language at all times.
All staff have a duty to notify the playgroup of any circumstance which may affect their suitability to work with children. The manager and chairperson are responsible for ensuring all staff, including contractors, bank staff, students and volunteers, are suitable to work with children. Checks are carried out via enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service clearance checks as well as other sources, such as employer references, identity checks and qualification checks, amongst others.
New staff will have the checks completed prior to starting employment.
We require each member of staff to subscribe to the governments DBS update service within 19 days of receiving their initial or revised DBS certificate. This service can be accessed online at
Staff are required to work co-operatively within a team and respect the skills, expertise and contribution of colleagues. They are expected to treat others fairly and without discrimination. Staff must communicate effectively, both verbally and in writing. As required, they must share their knowledge, skills and expertise with other team members in order to improve practice.
Staff must work with other members of the team to promote a care and learning environment that is conducive to safe and ethical practice. If the care environment deteriorates, the practitioner must report this to their manager.
Staff must guard against breeches of confidentiality by protecting information from improper disclosure at all times and follow all appropriate policies
Staff must only disclose information outside the immediate if;
· It can be justified as being in the public interest usually where disclosure is essential to protect a child or someone else from risk of harm)
· This is required to do so by law or by order of the court
· There is an issue of safeguarding, and s/he must then act at all times in accordance with national and local procedures.
Most staff are likely at some point to witness actions which need to be confidential. For example, where a child is bullied by another child (or even by a member of staff), this needs to be reported and dealt with in accordance with the appropriate playgroup procedure. Until qualified by the manager, incidents must not be discussed outside the nursery, including with the child’s parent or carer, nor with colleagues in the playgroup.
Staff who intend to share information about a child’s care, learning and development with an outside agency must seek prior permission from the child’s parent and the manager.
Staff should not accept significant personal gifts from or customers (parents/carers), suppliers or other agencies with whom the playgroup ahs contact. All gifts with a perceived value of over £20 must be declared to the manager.
If an employee offers a babysitting service, then this is a private agreement between the parent and employee in which playgroup will not be held liable.
It is not acceptable for a member of staff to transport a child by car directly to and from the playgroup unless 1. It has been approved by the manager 2. The correct child seat is available 3. The parent has given written permission to do so (email will suffice). The member of staff transporting the child does so as a private agreement and must ensure they have their own insurance. The playgroup accepts no liability for the child once off the premises.
All employees should consult the manager before taking additional employment. Additional employment must not conflict with the settings interests or impair the employee’s ability to carry out their role at the setting.
Please bear in mind if you do have additional employment elsewhere, then you will need to declare which is your primary source of your income. This is necessary in order to avoid confusion over tax codes. You are only allowed one employer where your tax code can be used to take advantage of your personal tax-free allowance.
Additional employers will have to adopt a secondary position and tax all of your earnings, usually on a BR (basic rate). Failure to declare a primary employer to HMRC may result the levy of backdated tax and penalties.
As a key person you must discuss the intimate care routines with the child’s parents. The settings intimate care policy must be followed at all times.
· Employees should always encourage the child to undertake self-care tasks independently, where developmentally appropriate
· Ensure employees understand the extent and limitations of their role in applying basic care and hygiene tasks for minor abrasions and understand where an injury might require more experienced intervention.
· Employees need to be vigilant of neglect or abuse caused outside the nursery and to report any signs to the manager
· Employees must not be placed in situations which render them vulnerable. Where this is unavoidable, full and appropriate risk assessments are conducted and agreed for lone working situations.
· Employees must be prepared o report any actions of another individual they deem inappropriate to the manager.
· When one to one situations are unavoidable, employees must take precautions to reduce the vulnerability of both the child and the adult, for example, informing colleagues of the situation, leaving room doors open.
Whilst we expect all of our colleagues, both internal and external, to be professional at all times and hold the welfare and safety of every child as their paramount objective, there may be occasions where this may not be happening
It is vital that all team members talk through any concerns they may have with their manager at the earliest opportunity to enable any problems to be ironed out as soon as they arise.
If, in the course of your employment, you become aware of information which you reasonably believe tends to show one or more of the following you MUST use the playgroups disclosure procedures;
· That a criminal offence has been committed or is being committed or is likely to be committed
· That a person has failed, is failing or is likely to fail to comply with any legal obligation to which they are subject (e.g. EYFS, national minimum standards, national care standards)
· That the health and safety of any individual has been, is being, or is likely to be, deliberately concealed.
· That you challenge discriminatory behaviour and report any incidents.
Where you reasonably believe one or more of the circumstances listed above has occurred you should promptly disclose this to your manager so that any appropriate action can be taken. If it is inappropriate to make such a disclosure to your manager (i.e. because it relates to your manager) you should speak to your chairperson.
Employees will suffer no detriment of any sort for making such a disclosure in accordance with this procedure. For further guidance in the use of the disclosure procedure, employees should speak to the manager. (see whistleblowing policy)
Employees are expected to declare all convictions, cautions, court orders, reprimands and warnings that affect suitability.
A childcare practitioner has a duty to notify the manager of any changes of circumstances which may affect their suitability to work with children. This will be asked at every supervision and signed.
An annual status check will be performed by the playgroup for all staff.
· Staff must maintain a professional relationship with parents and carers at all times.
· Each member of staff must recognise that parents and carers need feedback regarding their children and that this must be given in an open, honest and friendly manner. The relationship with parents and carers must not become overly familiar such that it clouds the impartiality of your judgement and action.
· Whist there is always the possibility of a member of staff having a close relationship with a parent or carer outside the playgroup we must avoid any conflict of interest or undue favouring of a child. Where such a relationship arises the member of staff should immediately inform the manager to discuss any action to be taken.
· Where a member of staff finds that they have a prior close relationship to a child in the playgroup through such means as a family relationship or close friendship then the manager must be made aware of this immediately and may require the member of staff to discuss key children and deployment to avoid a risk of undue favouring of a child.
Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education Childrens Services and Skills. It reports directly to Parliament and is independent and impartial. Ofsted inspects and regulates services which care for children and young people, and those providing education and skills for learners of all ages. All nurseries have to be registered and approved by Ofsted before they begin to look after children.
Having a well-respected Ofsted rating is really important to us, primarily because it is a very important consideration for a parent/carer when choosing a nursery. At the moment Ofsted has 4 inspection ratings 1) outstanding 2) good 3) requires improvement 4) inadequate
It is expected that all staff members share the playgroups belief and aspiration to uphold the highest standards at all times, such that when we are inspected by Ofsted, we can demonstrate outstanding practice. Consequently, staff are expected to understand and contribute towards our setting development plans. These include what we are aiming to do, how long it will take, what we need to complete it, how will we know its completed and how will it be monitored.
It is important that staff understand the playgroups policies, procedures and protocols.
To enable staff to practice you must be appropriately trained and work in partnership with others.
Staff must maintain client confidentiality, and act accordingly with communications.
Staff have a duty of care to all parties associated with the playgroup
Failure to comply with this code may lead to disciplinary action.
The playgroup will act with integrity, sensitivity and in a manner that will be deemed as reasonable in all its dealings with staff.
The code of conduct is deemed to have been accepted as soon as a member of staff commences employment
We thank you for your co-operation and welcome any feedback from staff that will help us improve this code of conduct.