Visitor or intruder on premises 

Safeguarding children, young people and vulnerable adults procedures

                     Visitor or intruder on the premises

The safety and security of the premises is maintained at all time and staff are vigilant in areas that pose a risk, such as shared premises. A risk assessment is completed to ensure that unauthorised visitors cannot gain access.

Visitors with legitimate business - generally a visitor will have made a prior appointment

·         On arrival, they are asked to verify their identity and confirm why they are visiting.

·         Staff will ask them to sign in and explain the procedures for the use of mobile phones and emergency evacuation.

·         Visitors are never left alone with the children at any time.

·         Visitors to the setting are monitored and asked to leave immediately should their behaviour give cause for concern.


An intruder is an individual who has not followed visitor procedures and has no legitimate business to be in the setting; he or she may or may not be a hazard to the setting.

·         In the unlikely event an intruder is in the setting will be asked for their name and purpose for being there.

·         Intruders can not generally enter as we have locked alarmed doors.

·         The staff member identifies any risk posed by the intruder.

·         The staff member ensures the individual follows the procedure for visitors.

·          The setting manager is always in the room but will be informed of the incident if not and take necessary action to safeguard children.

·         If there are concerns for the safety of children, staff evacuate them to a safe place in the building and contact police. In some circumstance this could lead to ‘lock-down’ of the setting and will be managed by the responding emergency service (see procedure Terrorist threat/attack and lock-down).

·         The designated safeguarding lead informs their designated officer of the situation at the first opportunity.

·         In the case of a serious breach where there was a perceived or actual threat to the safety of the children, the manager/DSL completes a safeguarding incident  form  on the day of the incident. The trustees ensure a robust organisational response and ensure that learning is shared.